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What to Do When You're Stressed to the Max

Writer: Heather LindsayHeather Lindsay

Updated: Jan 10, 2024

Even though you might feel stressed to the max right now, there are still small, practical steps you can take to manage stress and stay healthy.

Think of it like aiming for a 1% improvement….you may not be able to change the stressors in your life, but if you can manage the impact on your body 1% better, then you’ll stay healthier and more able to handle the stress. 1% adds up over time… think about 10%, 20%, and even more!!

Often, the little things are the BIG things that add up to affect our health.

What are some of the effects of stress on your body?

  • Stress increases cortisol production associated with weight gain (especially in the belly), an inability to lose weight or gain muscle, and premature aging

  • Stress decreases nutrient absorption due to decreased enzymatic production

  • Stress increases nutrient excretion such as loss of calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, chromium, selenium, and microminerals

  • Stress decreases gut flora populations by destroying healthy intestinal bacteria and can lead to immune problems, skin disorders, nutrient deficiencies, and digestive distress

  • Stress decreases your metabolism

Let's transition to talking about solutions…

How can I manage stress better?

Remember, since we can’t always control the sources of stress in our lives, the goal is to help calm our mind, body, and most importantly our spirit.

Here’s how you can do that, starting NOW:

  • Look at your calendar for the next 7 days. What’s one activity you’ve committed to that you can cancel? This will give you more margin and time to breathe.

  • Look at your to-do list. What’s one item you can delegate to someone else in the next 24 hours?

  • Consider your schedule today. Where can you fit in 20 minutes to relax —where you’re not taking care of anyone else or being “productive”—so you can unwind and do something refreshing?

  • Look at your calendar for tomorrow. Where can you fit in a 10-minute walk in the sunshine? The fresh air and movement can hugely help your body relax and help you feel more connected to God in His beautiful Creation.

  • Before your next meal, try what I call the “5-5-7” breath. Inhale for a count of 5, hold your breath for a count of 5, then exhale for a count of 7. Repeat at least 3 times. This gives your body a chance to relax before your meal, which will increase your digestive capacity and help your body pull more nutrients from the food you’re eating. Whether before meals or at different points throughout the day, taking a deep breath helps our body shifted from the stressed "fight or flight" state to the "rest and digest" state.

I want to invite you to pick 2 action steps from the tips listed above to implement this week. 💛

Grab your calendar and add in some blocks of time or reminders to permit yourself to SLOW DOWN this week to fill back up. I'm cheering you on and deeply desire for you to experience some relief from the heaviness of stress and greater peace with God even amid hard seasons!

If you are feeling overwhelmed with stress, struggling to relax, and you KNOW it’s affecting your health, I invite you to check out the Evergreen Method - 1:1 Coaching Program to learn how to better manage stress in your life.

I would love to support you on your journey!

P.S. — Check out my new series on how to better manage uneasiness:





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