Hi, girl!
I'm here to cheer you on this week!
I also wanted to talk about sweets + treats today and have a little heart to heart chat. 💕
I absolutely love being able to indulge in a little sweet bite here and there!
God has provided an INSANE amount of healing in my story around the area of food.
I used to either SUPER deprive myself of sweets or carbs… in my head saying to myself, “you are not allowed to have this”.
Or, I'd go WAY overboard and be left with a horrible stomach ache, GI symptoms for days, a big serving of sluggishness, and more than anything… shame… because I felt like I failed again and was so upset at myself for overeating.
The depriving definitely fueled the binging for me, and I honestly found myself stuck in a cycle where I felt incredibly defeated and frustrated.
Maybe you can relate?
Or, maybe that's not really your story.
Or, maybe it's not necessarily food for you, but something else?
We all have such unique journeys and experiences. But, no matter where you are at in your relationship with food and sweets or another area, I do know that God wants us to experience freedom in every area of our lives. 💛
Over the past several years as I've experienced healing and growth in this area, I'm so thankful that God has helped me think differently about myself and the food on my plate in front of me.
Two of the biggest issues at the root of what I was dealing with were:
I was looking to “fix” and perfect my physical appearance in hopes that the right physique would bring me peace, attention, and worth.
I was looking to food as an escape for emotional relief and comfort for my hurting heart.
The truth is…
I thought that the cravings I had could be quenched through my methodical, rigid control over my plate or through looking in the mirror and feeling like I had finally “arrived” with the physique I so desired.
But, my striving to satisfy both of these cravings in these ways only left me hungry in my soul.
It was Jesus— and only Jesus— who could satisfy my soul, comfort my heart, and lift my eyes up to see myself as He sees me and created me to be.
He is where freedom and sweetness really begin… an eternal freedom and sweetness.
You have been knit together by God with threads of worth, beauty, purpose, and bright light that reflect your Maker.
When I meditate on this reality and truth— that I've been made to enjoy God and share the joy of Him with others— that is what frees me and comforts me.
I'm no longer bound to being so fixated on what I look like or constantly falling into depriving or overindulging in food or whatever other area in my life.
I'm delighting in the Giver of the gifts who truly fills up my soul rather than obsessing over the gifts themselves that only leave me feeling empty.
Okay, girl… I know I got deep 😅 haha
But, the perspective that I've gained on wellness is that we can't truly be well without Jesus at the center of our hearts, and we can step into appreciating and stewarding the body, mind, and heart He has given us from a place of joy and honoring Him.
By focusing on Jesus and by His grace, we can go from depriving and/or overindulging to enjoying in moderation and experiencing freedom.
It's been so amazing to be at a point where I can enjoy a treat sometimes, and that be enough… to not be controlled by food.
My approach now is to:
Enjoy in moderation + on occasion
Choose simple, nourishing ingredients to steward my body + health
Be grateful for the gift of sweetness from God that reminds me that He is the true source and satisfaction… the author of sweetness and the One who I desire and need
I hope that sharing part of my story can be an encouragement to your heart today!
You aren't in this alone, girl!
We get to do life together, and I'm so glad you're here!! 🤗
I have a little gift that I'm super excited to give you today! It's just a small way to say thank you for being here and provide you with some fun, inspiration, and ideas!
It's a downloadable pdf of my go-to Nutrient-Dense Sweet Treats 🫐🍫💗
✨ Your Go-To, Nutrient-Dense Sweet Treats Guide ✨

This is a collection of our family favorites and staples that are:
Easy, simple recipes with little clean-up
Nutrient-dense treats made with natural, whole-food ingredients
Of course, sugar is still sugar, even if it's in the form of natural maple syrup, honey, or unprocessed coconut sugar, and too much of it can fuel our inflammation. But, it is fun to enjoy the gift of a sweet treat, and I'm excited to share some of my favorites with you! Wow, God made sweetness— to be enjoyable, fun, and so many incredible foods that are packed full of nutrients like vitamins, fiber, and fuel that power our bodies!! 🤯 He didn't have to make it taste good, but He did! Again, may enjoying these delectable bites point us back to the Author of all sweetness… the One who satisfies our souls.
I hope you enjoy this Nutrient-Dense Sweet Treats guide!! I can't wait to hear what you think! Comment below and let me know which recipe you can't wait to try!! 🤩
Cheering you on,
Heather 💛
Certified Health Coach • Certified Life Coach • Certified Transformational Coach
P.S. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you won't miss a new video!! 🥳 See you over there!!