In this series, we will be discussing faith-based wellness foundations and how to transition from a place of burden to delight in Christ in the area of wellness! 💗

Hey girl,
I help Christian women who are tired of running on empty feel replenished so that they can step into their God-given callings with joy and sustainability.
Today, I'm excited to share with you about the beginning of a new series called Back to Basics!
The heart of this series is to help you move from burden to delight when it comes to health and wellness.
One of my favorite things Jesus said is recorded in Matthew 11:28-30,
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you and learn from me because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and my load is not hard to carry.” (NET)
This is the heart behind the lens of wellness that I love to help women approach health with and be able to experience healing and freedom in Christ. I care so much about this because it was not always this way for me.
God has provided healing and redemption in my life from eating disorders, trauma, chronic fatigue, mold toxicity, depression, anxiety, and burnout.
It's been a journey through several years of healing, learning, and growth. God never wastes anything in our stories, and I'm so excited to bring you this new series and share a little bit more of my heart with you as we look at different areas of wellness.
In the world that we live in that is broken, the culture around us tells us a lot of different lies and presents traps that promise health but that really lead us down a path of not really becoming so healthy… which I know I was down myself at one point.
But, I am so thankful that in Jesus we have hope, and He wants to provide freedom in this area just like all of the other areas of our life.
So, when I'm talking about this new lens of wellness, it's about moving from a place of overwhelm, burden, and legalism and transitioning to a place of enjoying God more in this area with a new focus on stewardship, honoring God, and taking care of the spirit, mind, and body that He has given us. It's about having a relationship with Him and having fun!
I think that enjoying health and wellness is where sustainability comes from. We can cultivate a lasting lifestyle of wellness and health that glorifies God and honors His good design for us.
His design for us is so beautiful, and we can start experiencing new levels of freedom in Him when the focus is no longer on the mirror, our body image, or the number on the scale, but simply on enjoying God, having fun, and nourishing— starting with our spirit but that also affects our mind and body.
He has made us to be integrated, and the only way that I believe we can truly be whole at the end of the day and have healing is in Christ Jesus— our Lord and Savior, and our Creator who came down into the world to give us hope.
He is the light that guides us into this area of our lives and every other area. He wants to shine His light on every part of your heart, even down into those cracks of shame, hurt, fear, or doubt… and that is what this journey is about together. 💗
So, welcome to the Back to Basics series!! 🥳
I’m excited to have you along for the ride in 2024! We are going to be covering a few foundational areas of wellness as we step into this new series together including food, stress management, sleep, movement, detoxing, and community.
Let’s approach these areas in this new light of shifting from burden to a place of delight which is going to breed freedom and sustainability.
I’m truly grateful to have you here and for us to step into greater freedom together in 2024.
Before you go, I wanted to leave you with one question to ponder in your heart:
How can I enjoy God more in the area of health and wellness?
Comment down below and let me know!! I’d love to hear what is on your heart, and I look forward to seeing you back here soon! ✨
Also, check out the video below, and subscribe to follow along during this series on YouTube!
Cheering you on,
💛 Heather