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A Christian Perspective on Healthy Eating

Writer: Heather LindsayHeather Lindsay

Updated: Feb 29, 2024

Hey girl!

I hope you are well! Welcome back to the Back to Basics series that we are currently in! 


We have been kicking off 2024 by looking at how to simplify and enjoy foundational areas of wellness like stress management, food, sleep, low-toxin living, and community! We have been discussing how we can view these areas from a Christ-centered perspective and how we can enjoy God more!


Today, I'm excited to chat a bit about how to approach food and nutrition!

I believe nourishing our bodies should be simple, sustainable, and enjoyable

I used to struggle with the area of health and wellness feeling all-consuming and burdensome, because I used to look to this area to find worth rather than looking to have fun with nourishing my body from the worth that God has already given me. I think that God wants stewarding and nourishing our body, mind, and spirit to be life-giving! He is so good, and He wants us to experience freedom and joy with Him in all areas of our life. 

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” —Psalm 16:11 (ESV)

We live in a world where we have a lot thrown at us, and it can be difficult to discern where to start with nutrition!


I want to help you simplify the area of food and share with you 3 tips that I would share with clients, a dear friend, and my younger self if I could go back and encourage her! 


I think about Jesus saying, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)


When I read these words of Jesus— I'm encouraged to breathe a little deeper and let go of my stresses and striving. He has made a way for us to have peace, hope, and freedom through what He accomplished for us on the cross and through resurrecting from the dead so that we can have new life in Him! 🌱

Today, I want to encourage you with 3 simple tips:

1. Focus on eating whole, natural, fresh foods.


I get so excited and can really nerd out reading about all of the beautiful foods God has made for us and designed down to a molecular level to help nourish, heal, and preserve our bodies!


My heart is burdened when I think about how we have such an advanced healthcare system and technology but we are unfortunately the sickest we have really been in terms of many conditions and diseases that can largely be prevented through lifestyle and nutrition.


When we start switching back to more fresh and unprocessed foods, we are helping to drastically decrease inflammation in our bodies, helping our bodies to function optimally and giving our cells the nourishment they require to be able to heal and stay well. 


When you think about whole, fresh foods to focus on… focus on foods like seafood, poultry, beef, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and the bountiful list continues of foods that God has provided for us in His creation! 


I believe the starting point with this area is simply moving from a more highly processed food lifestyle to eating natural and wholesome foods again.


2. Approach your plate with thanksgiving and stewardship.


It is so healing to approach our plates with a mindset of gratitude to the Lord and wonder regarding the foods He has given us out of His good design for us rather than a mindset of stress, anxiety, or striving to achieve a certain body image. 


We could have a super healthy plate of food in front of us, but if we are in a stressed state, our bodies are not going to be able to digest or assimilate the nutrients and heal very well. 


Let’s have fun in this area, enjoying food as a gift from the Lord, and delighting in our Creator who is the giver of every good gift.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 

—1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

3. Start with changing one meal!

To begin transitioning to a sustainable lifestyle of eating more natural and wholesome foods, pick one meal to start with!


I’m all about sustainability, and change takes time. So, I’d encourage you to pick breakfast, lunch, or dinner to focus on for a few weeks, and by shifting even one of your meals, you are changing 1/3 of how you eat already! 


Then, you can move on to the next meal! So, if you pick lunch to begin, instead of reaching for the frozen meal or going out to eat, plan to pack one of your favorite proteins like a grilled piece of chicken or salmon with some flavorful veggies and a yummy sauce! 


I hope you can walk away today feeling encouraged and confident that you can simplify this area!


Click below to watch the full video with more tips and information!


Let’s go back to basics!

Cheering you on!

Heather 💗

P.S. - If you are looking for 1:1 personalized coaching around food and nutrition, I'd LOVE to help you on your journey!


Check out my NEW Evergreen 45-Minute Exploration Session! You will gain personalized insights and we will outline initial action steps for you. It's the perfect introductory opportunity to experience health coaching! ☀️🍓🏃🏻‍♀️🌳



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